Thursday, January 19, 2023

Book: 1000 Places To See Before You Die

 I was supposed to be flying home from an adventure today, but the politics of Peru got in my way. 😞 Oh well, I'll get there eventually.  It has made me think about other trips that I have been fortunate enough to go on over the years. My first out of the country trip (besides Canada and Mexico) was in 2005.  My mother and I traveled to St. Croix for a week of island life and sunshine shortly before Christmas.  That trip was amazing!  I enjoyed chickens in the streets, delicious fruits and vegetables, watching the sun go down each evening (we stayed on the west end of the island),  driving on the left side of the road, and visiting old plantation ruins.  This trip did a good job of making me want to keep traveling.

And travel I have done!  A few years ago I started making "travel badges" to record the different countries I have been to:

This has been a fun way to document and remember.  I'm not one to purchase souvenirs, so this works well for me.  That being said, I can be tempted by fabric if I find a quaint shop.

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