Saturday, April 25, 2020

#seaglassandsunshine continues

Today the weatherman has promised rain.  It's actually a good thing, as sunny days make for outdoor play and my to do list gets lost.  I had such high expectations for Stay at Home April.  Don't get me wrong - I did tons of things, but nothing finished.  Now I have been given a second month at home to seriously tackle the big things.  With warm sunshine on the horizon, I'd better get something completed, or once again I'll be outside all day.  I know the garden will enjoy it, but today's rain is a  blessing.
My seaglass and sunshine quilt was to hang in the library during the month of May.  It is mostly put together - just needs a few small blocks to fill in a few empty spots, binding, and more quilting.  My big push to finish it was planned for this coming week.  The deadline has changed, as far as the library display goes, but I want this project finished!  This morning I started with making a few simple blocks:

It was nice to unroll the quilt to look at what is happening.  It's all rather busy.  Usually I wouldn't like this style, but I'm seeing it as a mosaic and will in time probably add even more beads and bits of dyed lace. 

My husband just called up to me and asked if I want to binge the Indiana Jones movies this weekend. Yes. What great timing.  I can stitch and enjoy some of my favorite movies.  I think this quilt will be finished sooner rather than later!  

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