Today is the letter M. Me is for Me! Let me share some pics...
It's funny when I look at old pictures with my mom... She will say things like, "that's the picture with the aqua dress". I always say, "no, it's the grey dress"... Haha! I am one year old in this picture.
Mom calls this one, "Grant's Special". It was taken at Grant's store. I don't this they even exist any more. She always said that the photographer and I had alot of fun...
Paris... Monet's Waterlilies... need I say any more? Yes, I LOVE Paris.
My darling husband. He is so good to me!
Today. Yes the curls are really mine, (colour is "enhanced" - not ready to be grey yet). I have 4 radiation treatments left. Breast cancer.... Hope the rash leaves quickly.
That's a lovely photo of you in front of a quilt - your natural habitat I suppose :) I'm really enjoying your A-Z posts - we're half way there!