Friday, December 31, 2021

December 31, 2021

 And so it ends.  Another year filled with uncertainty and feelings of being alone in a crazy world.  We don't see an end to the pandemic - our lives continue to be controlled by a virus that just won't go away. I don't want this year to end on a sad note, but at times it is difficult to not dwell on pain and sadness.  I learned on Monday that my trip to Peru is once again on hold for yet another year.  I've yet to put away the clothes that I had been laying out, preparing to pack.  Now I am holding my breath for the Israel trip planned for the end of March.  

It is not in my nature to stay down for long.  I hear my sewing machine whispering to me.  Project ideas keep popping into my head.  I thought that finishing 6 quilts last year would satisfy my quilting bug for awhile, but this morning I had to call mom and have her talk me down from starting another (at least for a few weeks).

Today is a good day to clean my art studio and put away the supplies that piled up while writing my book.  It's a good day to reflect and say goodbye to the past year.  A snow storm is predicted for tomorrow and I've already decided that it will be a baking day.  Bread and maybe some cookies (ginger cardamom?).  Snow dyeing is also on my list.  And build a snowman.  

My saddest day this year was saying goodbye to Percy.

Happiest day was seeing my son so happy with his new husband.

Life continues.  

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Christmas evening: Puzzle!

 For Christmas, I purchased a Frida puzzle for Mau.  It would be a good puzzle to seal and hang in his classroom (he teaches high school Spanish.)  We started the puzzle in the late afternoon, and by 10:00 pm it was done.  We also watched, "Frida" while puzzling.  She was an amazing woman and artist. It was a good evening.

Monday, December 27, 2021

Care December: Silver

 Care December may be over, but I feel the desire to continue with my little journal.  My trip to Peru was pulled out from under my feet this morning (thank you very much covid), and I can tell that I still need much self care to get me over this darkness.  Peru is dealing with rising numbers and we were told to not come.  This is the second time.  Oh well... 3rd times the charm, right?  It is now moved to 2023.  That seems like such a long time away.  I'm certain I can find something to fill the void.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

CAM: Kathy Butterly ceramic sculptures

 I'm not too into sculpture, but my son is.  I looked at her work with the eyes of texture, colour stories and a fiber artist.  

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

CAM - St Louis

 I spent a few days with my son last week.  We took off for St Louis one day for art and food.  Both were yummy!  Our first stop was a shopping trip at Dick Blick.  I usually go to Galesburg for my fix, but was traveling at a not so good time to make it happen this time.  Anyway, after loading up on art supplies we went to lunch at a Chinese/Japanese/Indian/Thai place and I had the best pineapple fried rice ever.  I can't wait to return!!!

Our visit to the CAM (contemporary art museum) was fun.  Not tons of art, but pieces that got us talking.  I found this piece interesting in that the center "waterfall" canvas was not gessoed. The paint absorbed into the canvas and looked like watery splotches.  I'm thinking that I need to play with this idea using dyes on dry fabric.    

Monday, December 20, 2021


Finished. My goal was to be done by the end of the year.  It is available on Blurb.  Now I am off to do the happy dance!

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Care december prompt: clouds

 I was all ready this morning to head outdoors, with my newly downloaded cloud identifier app, to name the clouds in the sky. Wrong. No clouds all day!

I naturally had to call my son and complain about the lack of clouds. (He is a pilot and is always watching the weather and the sky). His response:  "Clouds are made of condensed moisture, and if there are no clouds then that means the air temperature is not low enough or the air is too dry."

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Carve December

 I've always enjoyed participating in #carvedecember.  This year I'm keeping the stamps quick and easy, while exploring repeating designs.