Monday, December 19, 2022

Strawberry kool-aid

 My first attempt using koolaid to dye wool. It is so easy! Clean wool into the saucepan, cover with water, add some heat, sprinkle a package of koolaid on the wool.  Gently stir. Simmer for 30 minutes. Turn off the heat and let cool. When cool, the water on the pan was clear.  A quick rinse and let it dry. How easy is that!?!

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

"My" tree

 It's not really mine, but I am probably the only person who checks on it each morning and many times during the day just to admire how beautiful the sky is.  When the new neighbors move in (they haven't even begun building yet), I may have to share.  It's not an especially beautiful tree, but God paints the sky and gives me such colour each day. I've thought about putting the images together into a book - wouldn't that be a lovely gift to present to the neighbors!


Monday, December 5, 2022

Dress: Air pollution

 I've been working on my, "air pollution"  dress, in my earth dress series.  It seems that I am jumping around from dress to dress to keep myself interested and motivated.  This one is too hard to stitch on at night - grey and black are just too difficult to see, even with good lighting.  I prefer a nice sunny day and it looks like that may not happen for a few days.  For now, I'll put it aside and work on something a little more cheery! 

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Finding VanGogh

 I do enjoy finding VanGogh studies using mixed media.  We took a cruise on September and found wonderful art on our ship: