Wednesday, March 26, 2025


 A visit to a lapidary museum in Oak Brook was an inspirational day trip. One big take away for me - I had no idea that jade came in so many colours! 

The 18th century jade snuff bottles caught my eye. I ❤️ little bottles

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Lava cactus

I found the lava cactus to be very fascinating. It is endemic to Galapagos and found on Fernandina, Genovesa, Isabela, Pinta, Santa Cruz, and Santiago, as well as some smaller islands. I think seeing these cactus on Fernandina was the highlight of the floral part of my trip!


Wednesday, March 19, 2025


 The fish are sewn on. Yes! Progress!

I grew up fishing with my dad. He explained limits to me at a very young age, making sure I understood that size and quantity regulations were important rules to follow. My concern is not what the sport fishers take, but instead, the huge numbers of tuna,  Atlantic cod, and other marine species that are declining in numbers. Can our oceans keep up with the growing world population? It appears that the answer is no.

Sunday, March 16, 2025


 Three months in the making, and now ready to be stitched onto my "over fishing" statement. I think Jennifer did an amazing job creating them. How fortunate I am to have creative friends. 

Rabida Island, Galapagos

 The red island. High levels of iron in the lava that formed this island. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

A little stitching

 I am doing some planning for my September trip to Poland with #Craftours. I think a stitched mini shrine will sum up time in Kalipie, an enchanting village near Krakow.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

And then on to Galapagos!


My first cactus in this amazing group of islands! While walking from the airplane to the airport, most of the travelers were busy snapping pics of the iguanas. Me? Well, what can I say - the plant life caught my eye. 

Before we could take our luggage, the dogs did a sniff job. Two cases were pulled for further inspection, not mine!

The stamp I've waited a long time for in my passport!